We're pioneering

cost-plus pharmacy

Scaling affordable and accessible pharmacy care to every community.

Where cost-plus
got its start.


Open your own cost-plus pharmacy, today.

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Frustrated by traditional pharmacy? Grow towards the future, now.

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Not ready to go cost-plus, but want to offer memberships?

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Online Price Checker

Help your patients and providers know prices in advance. Display them in real-time on your website.

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Cost-Plus Pharmacy Consulting started as an off-shoot of the successful launch of Blueberry Pharmacy as a way to teach others about cost-plus pharmacy. We see a future where all pharmacy owners are empowered with the tools to implement transparent pricing. Our goal is to empower others to implement cost-plus offerings in their pharmacies, whether they be ideas for brand new stores or existing pharmacies looking to add-on or transition to a cost-plus model.

News and Insight

So what’s the “PLUS” in a Cost-Plus Model?

From free delivery to special packaging, synchronization, med lists, availability for patient questions, and much more, pharmacists have been providing many types of “PLUS” for years.

Pharmacy Won!

Taking back control of your pricing is game changing. Now you’re actually in the race and you’re not in last place anymore. Run the race like you’ve been training, but on the track instead of in quicksand. Maybe you’ll actually find yourself winning for once….and not the race to the bottom, but the race to the top.

Let's work
