The Basics

Catch up on all our latest musings and thoughts below.

So what’s the “PLUS” in a Cost-Plus Model?

From free delivery to special packaging, synchronization, med lists, availability for patient questions, and much more, pharmacists have been providing many types of “PLUS” for years.

Pharmacy Won!

Taking back control of your pricing is game changing. Now you’re actually in the race and you’re not in last place anymore. Run the race like you’ve been training, but on the track instead of in quicksand. Maybe you’ll actually find yourself winning for once….and not the race to the bottom, but the race to the top.

Too Good to be True

In pharmacy, we have signaled falsely high prices for decades. Currently, it is the transparent, fair-priced pharmacies needing to show evidence for how prices can be so affordable. But in the future, it will be traditional pharmacies answering for their unexplainably high Usual and Customary prices. Which group do you want to be a part of?

Permanently Closed?

Admit it. As a pharmacy owner in today’s world, you’ve fantasized about what your life might be like if you just sold your store and got out. You’ve likely spent nights wondering how you were going to make it work when so many of your operations were beyond your control. I’ve been there and done that, and ultimately in 2020, made the decision to stop fighting the fight.

Let's work


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